
Showing posts from February, 2020

Follow Line (Racing Car)

Introduction. As our first project, we are to develop the software (Python) for a racing car to complete  a full lap around a circuit as quickly as possible. The vehicle in the simulation is equipped with a front camera, which will be our only source of information from its environment. The track has a red line painted in the middle, which will guide our way throughout it (hence named Follow Line ). Our script will be reactive-control-method-based, thus it will be loop running the same function 80 times per second. For each iteration of the function, it will get an image from the camera, process it, and make a decision depending on the situation. Doesn't seem such a complex task when you put it like this, now, does it? Perception and filtering. We have our car  – with its hardware and software –  and we have a circuit. The camera attached to the front of our car will provide our Python script with the sensory information it requires to make decisions. H...